Läst 736 ggr
8/18/14, 2:21 AM

Skottys poesi

Jag har skrivit dikter i över 10 år (är 22) och dikterna har varit en terapi för mig. Den finaste dikten jag skrivit är den jag skrev till min mormors begravning (läste den högt)

Här kommer den iallafall:

Jag är uppväxt med tron

Att du alltid kommer finnas där

Och att förlora dig..

Det har aldrig funnits i min värld

Du har ställt upp för mig i alla lägen

Funnits vid min sida genom hela livet

Jag är så tacksam för allt du gjort

Och förlåt för att jag har tagit dig för givet

Att jag är ditt barnbarn, att du är min mormor

Är jag så stolt och tacksam för

Du måste hjälpa oss igenom det här

Jag vet att du hör

Förlåt ännu en gång

För att jag åkte bort på din födelsedag

Jag vet att du ville att jag skulle åka

Men jag önskar att jag hade stannat kvar

Det sägs att tiden läker alla sår

Men det kommer aldrig sluta göra ont

Och tomrummet du lämnade efter dig

Det kommer alltid att vara tomt

Det finns så många stunder kvar i mitt liv

Som jag hade velat dela med dig

Du togs ifrån mig på tok för tidigt, mormor

Och du fattas mig

Men du är på en bättre plats nu

Och jag måste låta dig gå

Sov gott, min ängel

Jag älskar och saknar dig så

8/18/14, 2:47 AM

Har skrivit en del på engelska också,

The missing piece

_I hate that I still miss you
every second and every minute of every day
I hate that we used to be so close
And now you're so far away

I hate that you broke all your promises
You swore you'd always be there
I hate the fact that I'm in pain
And you don't even seem to care

I hate that I had to lose you
When I never wanted to say goodbye
I hate that you're happy
When all I do is cry

I hate the fact that I wasn't good enough
When I really did my best
This pain I feel is unbearable
It feels like a huge hole has been punched through my chest

I hate that she has you
I hate that she has everything that used to be mine
I hate that I feel so lost without you
And that you're not standing by my side

I hate it that you left
I hate that we're apart 
But most of all - I hate living my life
Without this missing piece of my heart_


I'm done being the only one putting an effort in our relationship.
__I'm done being the only one fighting, and the only one trying.
__I'm done being ignored and humiliated, I'm done being taken for granted.
I'm done crying over you and I'm done being hurt because of you.
__I'm done giving out chances when nothing ever changes for the better.
__I'm done wasting my time on you, and I'm done waiting for you.
I'm done running after you whenever you decide to walk away.
__I'm done begging for you to come back and I'm done taking you back.
__I'm done loving and missing you, I'm even done thinking about you.
I'm done staying with someone who obviously neither appreciates or deserves me.
__And I'm ready to find someone who actually does.
__I'm done with you. I am done with you. Done.
Oh, I'm so not done with you..


Sen en liten längre, (det är inte ens en "dikt") och ni behöver absolut inte läsa den om ni inte orkar. Ni behöver inte läsa någon av dessa, såklart, men ja.. Iallafall, den här skrev jag för några år sen, den handlar om samma person som i den första dikten, min bästa vän.

_"I loved you. I loved me when I was with you. I loved us and everything we had. I loved our relationship and I loved how easy things were when I was with you, even though it seemed so hard at the time.
But then I didn't know how hard it could be, and would be, without you. I never really thought about it. Actually, it never really crossed my mind. No, I never doubted you. Not even for a second. I believed in you, in us and in what we had.
I thought that I finally had found someone who would stick around, someone who wouldn't leave. I thought our friendship meant as much to you as it meant to me. I thought you needed me as much as I needed you. And that's why I let you in like I did and gave you such a huge part of myself. I thought I was safe with you, because that's how you always made me feel. Safe.
You were my best friend, and I built my whole world around you. So what do you think happened to me when you did what you did? Did it do you any good breaking all your promises to me? Are you proud of yourself? Does it feel good knowing you've hurt the one person who was there for you through it all? I was there all the time. I held your hand through every storm. I helped you through the toughest times of your life.
I was your light in the darkness. I was! Not she. She didn't work her ass off to make you feel better, I did. Maybe I didn't always succeeded, but I did my best and I gave my everything to make you happy, to keep you from getting hurt again. And what did I get? Hurt! I got hurt! You hurt me! The last person I ever thought would hurt me, broke me!
One day, when your perfect relationship isn't so perfect anymore, you'll remember me. You'll remember what I did for you and then you'll remember what you did to me. And you'll be sorry.. And me? You know what? I'll be happy somewhere else."_

8/18/14, 10:01 AM

Fint speciellt det till din mormor, lägg gärna ut fler dikter 🌺

8/23/14, 10:39 AM

#1 Vad fint du skriver. Man känner verkligen din smärta. Att gå vidare och bli lycklig är den bästa hämnden mot någon som gjort en illa. 😉

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